Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bought some music CDs..

Lifehouse 2005 Keane: Hopes and Fears

This is my 2nd time buying a Lifehouse cd, their first album tuh hilang.. mcm besa lah, member2 pinjam and pusing2 plak dgn member2 depa.. last2 lesap. Hampeh! Oh well, anyway.. their single "You and Me" pun aku dah pernah letak as one of my blog's b'ground music, and it really is a sentimental song. I've been playing dat song over and over, everynight on my guitar before I go to sleep.. chords plak dah senang kan, lagu pun best, aper lagi.. layan la beb. Huhu! reminds me of someone..

And then comes Keane. Since when, you ask? Hehe.. since our beloved local telco company TM made their advert on tv using Keane's song lah - "Everybody's Changing". And for da record, I myself enjoy piano melodic music.. such as Maksim, and a few of Coldplay's tracks too (not a Coldplay fan though, ngeheheh). By da way, RM10 total for two great CDs... hmmm, sorry la hotlink.. next time jer la aku topup yer. Ahaks! still got a few days left before u expire lah..

Lifehouse official site: []
Keane official site: []