Tuesday, July 05, 2005

rasa mcm nak STOP BLOGGING jer..

what happened today, on a hot boring tuesday..

1. weird dreams again..
woke up today from a fantastic dream about being in an underground racing events. mmg tak dinafikan lg, aku mmg giler evo8! haha!! damn.. but sedih lah coz time baru nak start race tuh, dah dikejutkan dek alarm henfon aku! aarrghh!!!
moral of da story : don't play too much underground racing games (NFSU 1 & 2, Street Racing Syndicate, Juiced, etc.)

2. i'm da man of da house today, again..
only realised at 12noon about my dad's disappearance, he went to kl with Mr. Wahab (aka the owner of Hotel Seri M'sia Kedah) for a 'special business trip'.. so to speak. mom & lil' sis went to Fella Design for a few furniture window shopping. leaving ME, alone at home.. why? coz mom asked some mid 30s male gardeners to help redecorate mom's garden, and i'll be 'looking' after them (and da house as usual). "hang tau dak.. bla bla.." "yer ke, hang muhung apa weih.. bla bla.." alahai.. takde ke org kat dunia nih keje sambil tutup mulut? mesti nak pok pek 24/7.
moral of da story : i gotta stop hoping for a 'pretty mid 20s adorable single and interactive lady' whenever i hear da word "gardener".

3. "yo yo, gimme sumthin 2 eat man!" perut ku dah hiphop dah..
malas nak masak, mkn byk instant noodles pun x good, arituh dah belasah abis hotdogs dlm freezer, leftovers kat dlm fridge pun dah tak sentuh seminggu kot, mkn kropok leko tak kenyang plak, hmmm.. beli jer la burger kat McD. *pa da pap pa paa.. i'm lovin' it.*
moral of da story : always prepare food before u're hungry especially when u hav a high metabolisme system in ur body. (eat eat eat, but still i'm freakin' thin!!!)

4. "ini bilik tido ke, kedai bundle?"
mmg bilik aku messy skang.. bersepah shirts2 aku.. on da bed, on da floor, on my dressing table, in my cupboard, hanging outside my cupboard (2 columns), hanging on my steel hangers, u name it.. aku mmg shirt freak! but the real thing is, i like to wear anything as long as ada COLLAR. tak kira la tshirts, shirts, sleeveless, janji ada collar cukup. kalau aku pakai tshirts pun, sometimes aku pakai shirts inside and then biar collar keluar onto the tshirts. hehe.. tapi takde la tahap aku gi cuci keta luar umah aku pun nk pakai shirt kan? lagipun.. *bla bla bla, kalau nak tulis pasal shirt fetish nih mmg panjang citernye, ahaks!*
moral of da story : kalau ada sape2 nak kasi baju as a present @ gift, kasi la tshirts yer.. coz aku jarang beli tshirts. huhu!

5. *G, Cadd9, G, Cadd9, Em, D, C* what day is it..
haa, kalau dah pegang gitar.. mesti nak layan perasaan. antara lagu2 kegemaran utk aku goreng..
a) Lifehouse "You and Me"
b) 3 Doors Down "Here Without You"
c) M2M "The Day You Went Away"
d) Feminin @ KRU "Untukmu"
e) Cake "I Will Survive"
f) Alter Bridge "In Loving Memory"
g) The Eagles "Hotel California"
h) Avril Lavigne "My Happy Ending"
i) Extreme "More Than Words"
j) Finch "Letters To You" (acoustic version)
moral of da story : don't disturb me when i'm with my guitar.. gerenti emotional.. muahhahahh.

6. *Low disk space, please free up some space..* PLAK DAH!
nih le problemnye bila laptop kita only 20GB and at da same time.. penuh dgn MP3s, music videos, flash & shockwave files (games, cartoon, etc), graphic works, audio works (sound recordings, ringtones, etc), IMAGES (handphones transferred, websites, themes, wallpapers, etc), downloaded programs & softwares (plus cracks, keygens, serials), MOVIES (torrent files), dan tak lupa jugak beratus2an windows installed programs dan System Restore yg makan harddisk space gak. hmmm, nampak gaya nye.. kena transfer & burn masuk CD-Rs lagi nih..
moral of da story : kang aku beli 1TB external harddisk baru tau! tp err.. byk gak tuh 1TB (1000 GB), dah ade ke kat market? hihihi..

7. "abang, jgn lupa semayang.." tegur lil' sis aku..
aiseymen, malu gitu.. tuh laa.. terpaut sgt dgn blog nih (eventhough tahap bosan) tapi masa berjalan gak ek.. cepat plak tuh. slalunya bila boring, masa jln slow giler.
Me: sori la bloggie, xde interesting citer 2day..
Blog: apa yg interesting sgt dgn kau pun.
Me: hak elah, sombong sial blog aku nih..
Blog: ko tuh ape kurangnya, suka bace blog org, blog sendiri malas nak update. tukar layout pun, pakai layout org, muka tak malu.
Me: at least ade gak citer drp xde citer langsung kan..
Blog: kalo citer bosan camni, baik tak payah.
Me: mula la aku nak maki blog nih..
Blog: stupid human (m-u-a-h-a-h-a-h)
Me: mother blogger.
moral of da story : (Blog: xde moral2, gi semayang!!)