Friday, October 28, 2005

Persiapan Untuk Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

Misi: Menyiapkan Tempahan Balang Kuih
Tempoh: 20th Oct 2005 - 27th Oct 2005

The whole week tuh, all of us priorities our working hours for this particular tempahan men'decorate'kan balang2 dan dulang2 kuih raya for customers including Kedah's MB himself. I don't know who chose the colour but it was extremely beautiful colour combination (the contrast between purple and gold).. hehe, it reminds me of the Cadbury choc packaging!

Anyway, we had to make (and decorate) 2 baskets + 10 rectangular boxes + 18 trays + 72 balang kuih.. using tons of purple cloth, kain renda, ribbons, flowers, and tiny beads. Each tray consists 4 balang kuih, with a total of 18 trays, which then explains why we had to decorate a total of 72 balang kuih. And yes, it took only 1 week since it was a last-minute tempahan.. but no complaints, for we all did it happily with the 'Hari Raya spirit' in the office from 8am-5pm for the entire week (excluding weekends) due to the lagu2 raya aired by the radio surrounding the atmosphere (thanks to Era.FM & Sinar FM).

Kak Ina tengah potong kertas2 utk dibalut di kotak.
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Kak Lin datang dan tolong kitorang sama2.
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Kak Kinah (menepuk meja) & Fiza membalut balang2 kuih.
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Kotak panjang yg telah siap di'decorate'.
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Abg Malik menyediakan tudung2 balang utk Fiza dan Kak Lin.
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Kak Kinah: "Tak cukup kain plak, kena potong lagi nih.."
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Kak Ina ditemani oleh Zul yg sedang ber'sms' dgn member (bisnes mercun ke?)
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Banyak tudung tuh beb, 72 kesemuanya..
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..dan 72 ikatan riben2 kecik aku plak kena buat, adeih!
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Kotak2 panjang yg telah siap di'decorate' lagi.
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Dulang + 4 balang kuih yang telah siap di'decorate'.
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Balang2 kuih nih, plastik jer sebenarnye.
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Dulang2 yg telah siap (dulang + span + kain + kain renda).
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Kak Wan (pegang balang kuih) sedang mengkritik hasil kerja.
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Contoh basket yang perlu kami decorate nanti.
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Contoh basket lain plak.
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Fiza, Kak Ina, Kak Kinah & Kak Lin sedang decorate basket2.
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Abg Shah & Zul sedang mengikat riben.
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Zul memotong cardboard utk dijadikan kotak yg akan diisikan dgn dulang2 dan kemudian dihantar ke customer2.
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