Monday, August 15, 2005

This is me, on Yahoo Messenger..

How did I get my avatar? Hehe.. let me help you guys.

Step 1 (guided picture here)
Go to [C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\cache\Avatars] and look thru the files, they should have weird file names with the ".full" at the end. It'll be those Flash Shockwafe files types, obviously.

Step 2 (guided picture here)
Right click on one of the files, and open it with Internet Explorer.

Step 3 (guided picture here)
The IE windows will appear with a security alert, don't worry.. it's just a normal alert. Click the alert, choose 'Allow Blocked Content...' and click 'Yes' to run the file.

Step 4
Tadaa! A Yahoo Messenger avatar has appeared! But is it yours, could it be your friends? Hehe.. repeat the steps to find your exact avatar. Once you have the right avatar, copy the file and paste it anywhere else in your hard drive (for example, My Documents). Rename the file into something easier like "avatar.swf"

Step 5
Now, you guys can upload that file onto anywhere on da net. Later, all you need is to add the embed codings into your blog template..

Have fun, yeah?!