Friday, July 02, 2004

It's 5am.. and I can't sleep!!!

[Thursday - July 1, 2004] 6:00pm
I went out to town with Pijan today.. grabbed the new Spiderman2 PS2 game, and some VCDs - Garfield, and MTV Jackass 2 (not really the sequel). Then, went to the stadium and had our drinks there. By 7pm, I sent him back on da way home.. but not quite so coz after I dropped him off, I had a detour - to the clinic. Just drop by and had a small checkup, and guess what the doctor said afterwards..
Doc: From the looks of your eyebags pun, I'm certain that you haven't been getting sufficient sleeps.. or your sleeping habit is inappopriate.

Me: Yes (I said in a low confident voice).. I have a hard time sleeping early, usually only after 3 or 4am baru dapat tido.

Doc: If this continues, you might get a worse disorientation.. perhaps a memory flaw tau, nyanyuk so to speak.

Me: Worse? Err.. does this mean I memang dah ada?

Doc: A bit, but this is a normal symptom for growing young adults.. students kan, suka tido lewat. Mmm.. do you smoke?

Me: Oh, I tak smoke, doctor. I used to have an athma problem during childhood.. tapi now alhamdulillah no more.

Doc: That's good, my point exactly. So, don't smoke. It becomes worse if you get disoriented altogether, paham?

Me: Ok ok.. Apa lagi yang doctor nak advise, because I'm in a rush actually.. almost maghrib.

Doc: I think that's all.. and please, try to makan byk.. esp sayur and milk.. or else you might get the anorexic (something)..

Me: Ermm, saya tau saya underweight.. saya memang amik full cream milk 3 glasses per day, doctor.

Doc: Good. So, remember.. sleep early, eat more green, drink more milk, stay away from smoking, and exercise once in a while.

Me: Insya' Allah, thank you doctor. Assalamu'alaikum..

Doc: Wa'alaikumussalam..
Huh, great. Dah ler tak cukup tido, slightly disoriented, tak cukup sayur and kalsium dlm badan, tak cukup exercise, ada plak chances nak anorexia?! Giler lah.. memang pala otak aku dah x dpt tahan sangat. Dok sembang dgn member2 pun boleh blur, cakap pun berterabur, saying unnecessary things, and I've been making inappopriate calls, cepat gelisah, tak bley nak relax, uurrghh.. aku memang nak kena gi tenangkan fikiran these few days. Results plak, aduhhh.. bila la hang nak kuaq online nih. Kata nak kuar last weekend, tak kuar. Kata weekdays, tak kuar gak. Nih dah July, still tak kuar.

And when da hell am I gonna start my practical?!!! Cina kedai pc nih cakap je nak call and confirm, tapi dah sminggu tak call. Cinabeng nyer apek!!!