Monday, October 25, 2004

Does this shirt makes me look tall and skinny?

It's my off day. Aaahh yessss.. I can sleep late and wake up late again.. err, apart from sahur of course sahur mesti ahh kena bangun... Just when I was about to achieve total control over the world (in my dreams, that is).. and then it came..

Adik: *BAAANNNGGG!! BAAANNNGGG!!* Wake up sleepy head!!
ME: Aaarrghh.. what time is it... IT'S ONLY 9.30 LAAA!! I'M OFF TODAY!!
Adik: Incase you haven't notice, so am I.
ME: Huh? Yeah.. wassup sis? What's da early wake-up call for?
Adik: Everyone's going to Sg. Petani.. shopping. You are going as well, no BUTS.
ME: Okay. (Well, so much for my 'late wake-up'.. damn off days pun kena bangun awal gak ker?!!)

First stop, the deserted Parkson Grand.. nothing much in there, didn't get anything at all since we only took less than an hour to completely occupy the whole building.

Nih 1st time snap pic guna henset 6230 aku.. bley tahan gak la, nokia's first 1megapixel camera kan.. Posted by Hello

Does this shirt makes me look tall and skinny? Posted by Hello

Next, which was a bit promising.. The Ocean shopping mall. I bought a shirt there, Milani, RM49 but I got a RM8 discount (don't ask me how, I don't have a clue) on the shirt itself! Neat Dapat beli baju baru beb!. I can't recall what everyone else bought.. but they did get something for themselves.

By 2pm, we're bout to leave home when suddenly.. I made a suggestion, "Dad.. wanna check out that MAKRO wannabe building.. the TESCO?" Mom was like, "Yes.. jom pi tgk.. mana la tau something like MAKRO kan.. lain kali tak payah pi Penang, kita pi sini jer cukup." Next time, boleh la mom suruh sapa2 drive ke sini yerr.. hehehe..

Yeah, my first impression.. boleh tahan gak la this TESCO. We all beli byk benda gak.. I got a couple of toiletries, lil' sis and dad bought some groovy clothes, mom grabbed some home appliances... and to finish things off, we bought A LOT OF FOOD. One whole chicken tak sah ler makan without chicken, kan kan kan? well done, dipped in black pepper sauce.. another one in Sambal Pedas sauce.. both my dad's choice. Mom took away some cold crabs for dinner later tonight. As for my sis, she just had to bring back chocolates.. LOTS of chocolates. And finally, me... oh, I didn't take anything much... just some apples, buah lai, seedless grapes, choc milk, frozen pizza, hotdogs, burgers, Gnutella's peanut butter (nyummmeeeee!), and of course.. donuts. Haha! Now who's da big money spender here, huh?

Reached home at 4pm, now it's almost 7pm already. Gotta go dudes, time to buka puasa. NYUMMEEEEEE!!! Makan time.. da best time of da day! Yeahhooo!!