Saturday, July 03, 2004

Sawadikaap.. Welcome to Thailand..

baju baru beb!Hehe, yaarshh.. juz came back from Bukit Kayu Hitam. As usual, shopping lah.. what else duty free shop. Adik aku dpt long khakis-coloured purse, mom bought a nice tempayan for da garden, dad bought nothing but LOTS of can drinks and some snacks - for tomorrow's final match of Euro 2004, Portugal vs Greece. Haha, even I bought some cheddar cheese nachos for da match.. makan keropok nyummeee!! Mom also grabbed her fav biscuits, the Sultana. My adik pun macam besa, cannot resist chocolate candys. Yeah, we didn't spend much like we used to since tak byk kedai bukak.. maybe sebab 1st saturday of the month kot. Anyway, takkan pi jauh2 pulang dgn tangan kosong kan? So, akhirnya.. tadaaaa!! I got this free-sized black 'Fear Factor' tshirt siot! RM18, but after bargain -> RM14.. boley la tuh. Aku kasik RM15, singgit tuh aku halal la.. kasik mamat tuh duit lebey kot2 la dia nak beli fruits or rokok dah sronok, kasi pi laa... And now, aku nak mandi coz it's damn hot in here.. ciao!