Monday, July 25, 2005

The Best Bday Celebration In My Life..

this wkend, we we're surposed to balik kampung at Muar, Johor.. and i'm surposed to register at KUTPM next wkend (which is the last day of registration). but i thought it was wise enuff to reg this wkend n i cud hav a 1 week notice of anythin dat cud happened b4 da last day of registration. so aftr discussed with dad, he let me go dwn 2 kl WITH MY CAR. YEAHOO!!! so, i sent my car to be serviced a day b4 and it costs rm149 (new front tyres, timing belt, minyak hitam, piping tubes, and even re-alignments).

friday 22nd july
10am, mom n dad drove off first coz they're gona pick my lil' sis at skool aftr her taekwondo test (she got da light yellow belt), i went 10 minutes later. purchased a new Touch'n'Go card (rm100 + rm15 deposit). then, while i was on da highway, i saw this shining silver metallic mercedes e240 driving damn fast. i gav way and surprisingly, it was my family. "ikut papa, alright?" he asked. 140KM/H tuh beb! sampai je kat Gurun, we had breakfast and dad gav me rm100 for da Touch'n'Go card (yeay! sponsored tuh!). pastu, we drove and our second stop was at Tapah. time nak isi minyak kat petronas tuh, the petronas crew serviced my car, "abg kena letak coolant nih, kalo tak lagi 10km sure dah burst.." aiseymen, apsal le smalam service keta sampai rm150 si keling yg service keta tuh x letak coolant, bangang btol. so tuang 2 bottle terus, rm15 each. then we continued our journey, seperated at the kl highway since my family was heading johor and i was heading shah alam. oh yeah, dad said he drove 140km/h bcoz he 'misread' the km/h meter with the mph meter.. YEAH RIGHT.

ME, Buk, Pijan.. Mahligai, Seksyen 9, Shah Alam.arrived at McD seksyen2 s'alam at 4pm, meeting up my buddy pijan, mim, buk and aiman.. but we had lunch at the new Hakim mapley at seksyen 7. late dat evening, me n pijan tumpang mandi swimming pool at buk's apartment Mahligai seksyen 9. his gf taught me n pijan to swim since they both are pro swimmers. 2 hours of FREE pro swimming lessons, ended up at 10pm, and me & pijan decided leave aiman n buk to meet up with hendra & hafiz who later joined us at Hakim again for dinner. hafiz shared us his unfortunate story of his gf's studies at KUTPM. she was ripped off during her 2year in KUTPM when she found out her course didnt provide any twinning programme as promised before she registered there. now, she's studying at overseas and hafiz was relieved. with dat story told, i was shaken a bit but my faith for KUTPM was strong. we both slept at their house dat night.

saturday 23rd july
11am, me n pijan went to KUTPM. had an appointment with miss nisha as promised, but before i even had the chance to speak with her, a boy n his father confronted her with a certain disappointment. "i dont wanna study here, i want to quit. u said my pointer is good and promised me u cud transfer my credits, but when i registered last week my faculty lecturer said i cant transfer any of my credits and therefore i hav to start from scratch" the boy expressed in unsatisfactory, who happened to be standing right beside me for me and pijan to witness. with that happened in front of my eyes, i had the 2nd time of a 'sign' but i cant judge the campus's system management from a boy's sad story. so miss nisha forwarded me to one of the lecturers to further consult me but it wasnt the same one last time. in a private room, he 'praised' the campus with such successful stories, tryin 2 win my admission, but when i asked a simple question, "Bachelor ICT in M'media nih.. LAN approved ke?" he only replied, "other degree courses are already certified, but this course is still new and awaiting the approval." i was like.. damn, 3rd 'sign' in less than 12hours.

by 1pm, me n pijan left the campus, unregistered. i still hav 1 week to decide but i dont think im goin there evr again. so we head back to hendra's place, bathed again, packed our bags, and we drove to Mid Valley at 3pm to meet our frens. arrived 45minutes later, escaped the s'alam - kl traffic jam tuh (thank god!) from 4-6.30pm, we met mim again and the 3 of us had lunch, bought movie tickets (pijan n mim watched The Island at 6.30pm; i bought Fantastic4 at 7.30pm for me, lina, mai n gee). met up with mai, lina and gee around 7pm. in da movie b4 da show, lina gav me a very cute bouquet of flowers + teddy bears + chupachups for me! hehe, my 1st bday gift!! thx so much, lina.. so schweet of u!!

besar tuh glass nyer!after the movie tuh, mim went back home coz she had curfew. she n pijan handed me a bday card.. thx bro, and thx 4 da bday card mim, it's been nice knowing u yaah! later me, pijan, lina, mai, and gee.. went to kedai makan 'cina adik' at seksyen 4. gee ckp trademark apek nih is wearing slipper jepun with socks on. seriously it was da 1st time for me n pijan, and the food was awesome! juz tell me where else cud u find a small kitchen by da road dat can serve u Roti Mozarella Naan with Pepperoni, Chicken stuffed Ravioli, italian, western, local, and mixed meals like dat? (i prefer to call it cross-eating) and let's not forget the medium sized 'glass' drink (i measured it was exactly 1 jengkal). nama2 meals punyer la susah nk ingat, but everyone had a wonderful dinner.. borak2 sampai pkul 3, pastu gerak gi cyberia. met up with esah, lepak ramai2, borak2 lagi, siap main scrabble tuh sampai pkul 5 baru tidoq.

sunday 24th july
12 noon, dikejutkan dgn kehadiran si minah monitor, ida. tp aku & pijan tido jer, hehe. ida dtg sbb nak amik brg2 dia jer. anyway at 1pm, mai ajak swimming. so aku, pijan, lina, and mai berenang2 le kat swimming pool cyberia tuh. SEJUK SIAL air nyer!! tp lama2 tuh ok kot sbb matahari dh naik. then, aku n pijan diintrokan kpd brader bdn tough dr iran, si mohamed. dia ni swimming instructor mai time cuti sem 2bulan dulu, so dpt le borak2 dgn dia. ganas gak mamat nih, cuak aku tgk dia lemaskan lina.. nak jer aku sound tp apa kan daya, bdn dia twice bigger than mine. uhuk!! anyway.. borak punya borak, mandi punya mandi, sedar2 dah pkul 3pm. so aftr 2hours mandi, aku n pijan siap2 diri utk bergerak balik ke alostar.

around 4.30pm, we gerak from cyberia and 1st stop was at Restoran Jejantas Sg Buloh. mkn nasi berlauk sket, tapau mushroom burger kat Burger King. btolak dr situ pkul 6.30pm, 2nd stop was tapah, isi minyak, toilet, pastu no more stops. dr penang tuh, Touch'n'Go card tinggal rm10 jer.. sampai je kat tol juru, kena rm11.80.. aiyak, tak cukup!!! sibbaik ade PLUS crew kat situ, bayar cash for da balance tuh, pastu topup kat the next Tambah Nilai Touch'n'Go lane. lepas jer topup, terus shoot ke Alor Star 160km/h. dah malam kan, so takkan ade speedtrap nyer. masuk jer alor star, i dropped pijan at his crib, then sampai my place exactly 10.30pm.

So, the journey back to alor star took..
4.30pm - 10.30pm (6hours)
makan, rehat, toilet, and isi minyak (-1hour)
= 5hours. (rm60 for petrol + ~rm60 for toll + ~rm30 for foods)

Pheww.. actually byk nk citer, tp let me summarize the whole trip yeah?
1. Dpt race with dad on da highway (140km/h, e240 vs wira)
2. 1st time driving alone to KL. (tailgating dad tuh x kira la..)
3. 1st time driving around Shah Alam. (2days jer dah expert.)
4. Met new friends (Mim, Buk.. and then Lina, Gee, Esah, Mohd)
5. Didn't register at KUTPM due to some uncertainty issues..
6. Ate foods yg nvr tried before (i wanna eat there again!)
7. Went swimming and learning at the same time, with friends.

In short, THE BEST KL Trip + Bday Celebration EVER!!
Thank you so much guys for coming and spending time with me.. one day, we'll go somewhere else for a trip alright? Sayang korang semua!!