Online portfolio...
Ermm.. yeah, as the title perfectly says that.. but I've never done it before.
Selalunya I do websites, graphics, javascripts, but not a PF.. well, not mine lah. :P
It's still under construction, though u can view the demo here -> [].
But I think it's about enough of myself.. I wanna do something other than me, perhaps an online community (like Friendster) but it's for among my friends only, add with forums and quicky tag-board. Yeah, that'll be great.. and with a busy schedule this coming month, it'll take about half a year to do so and complete a fully FLASH site. Yes, you heard it right.. all FLASH.. no html codings, no javascripts, and no sufficient sleep for the next 6 months >:(
Well, I am being dramatic aren't I? Haha.. gotta hit da bed larr.. it's already 4:30am.
Huuuaarrghhh.. :}
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