Saturday, August 30, 2003

One boring day on Merdeka Eve..

11am, woke up without any dreams - thank God. Head straight to bathroom, bathed. Went back into my room and just as soon I was about to close the door and sleep for the whole day (I planned last night).. mom said, "Bagus dah mandi, satgi papa ajak gi lunch.." Alright! But wait a minute.. lunch? Hmm, aint it early fer dat? I think what mom meant was brunch. Oh, nevermind.. I put on my Padini Authentic purple sweater with my Hardy Amies khakis shorts, snap my blue denim cap on my head.. voila! I'm ready. Sprinkle some perfumes here and there.. I grabbed my swatch and exitted my room to the hall. Waited everyone else to get ready (as usual). Sheeshh.. penat je rush². Anyway, heard that favourite song "Clubbed To Death" (one of the Matrix 1 OST) on MTV again. I like drum and bass music.. especially slow and 'motivating' rhythms like this one. Yeah, great timing though coz when the song ended.. everyone was set. I switched off tv and Astro.. (time showed was 11.30) everyone got in the car and went off to Star Parade.

As soon as we approached the entrance.. "What da hell.. this place is crowded like damn!" I whispered to myself. "Dad, I think we need a detour la.. let's juz go to Holiday Villa and eat there" I suggested to dad, and he agreed while doing a U-turn around the entrance. We arrived at Holiday Villa, ordered straight away. I had char-kueyteow which was absolutely spicy delicious! After done with our brunch an hour later, we got out of the cold hotel and seperated (me + lil sista Anne headed City Plaza.. mom + dad + elder sis + lil' nephew went to City Point). I was embarking on a journey to find cds again! But I didn't have enough money since yesterday.. arggh damn it. Mom asked to buy 'Paloh', and yeah it was there.. I took the vcd but Anne payed. Hehe.. the cute salesgirl smiled. Damn, u're so cute! Slurrpp!! ;) Then, being a good brother (as always) I teman Anne to buy her PS games.. but unfortunately, nothing new. Ye lahh.. what do u expect.. PSone games nowadays aren't as happening as PS2. Aiyah... when can I get myself that dream console. I've been saving money fer it like years already but everytime I wanna buy it, something turns up that forces me to use my savings. Damn it!! I might be playing WWE Smackdown right now, or GT4 hardcorely day and night! Why are you so expensive?!!! >:(

Disappointed, we went to City Point and met the rest of our family. "Time to go home.." dad told us. So, we got in the car.. head back home. Arrived safely, and the moment I opened the gate, mom said, "Jangan masuk rumah, gi teman akak beli tiket bus at Shahab Perdana dulu..". I'm like.. oh my God, I'm so tired and sleepy today.. and now I gotta drive the car to and back from Shahab Perdana juz for my sis? Uurrghh!!! WHY ME?!!! Aarggh, damn it. I got in my car as well as my sis beside me, and put the pedal to the medal. Sampai jer sana, my sis went out to buy the ticket while I stayed inside listened to Brooks Buford's "Trailer Fabulous" tune.. oh yeah. A minute later, sis got back with her ticket, I exitted the bus station.. and rushed home like hell. I couldn't careless about my sister whether she was afraid or frightened by my speedy driving.. I juz wanna get home and SLEEP!!! Finally, I got back home.. heading straight for the bed.. and surprisingly, I wanted to blog first. Catch everything today and put it in here.. and then (and ONLY THEN) I will sleep. Yes, I will.

*Yawn* Alrighty then, it's bed fer me now! Adios amigos.. arriba! arriba! andeley! andeley!!